
Commemorating Remembrance Day

At 11 am, on 11 November 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. The allied armies had driven the German invaders back, having inflicted heavy defeats upon them over the preceding four months. In November the Germans called for an armistice in order to secure a peace settlement. They accepted allied terms that amounted to unconditional surrender.

The 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, attained a special significance in the post-war years. The moment when hostilities ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war.

Each year we take time to reflect on this day and the significance that it has played throughout our history, and the significance that it will continue to play well into our future. Theatres of war throughout our history have shaped the way we live today. Young Men and Women bravely fought for the freedoms that we enjoy today, and they continue to offer service to our nation now and into the future.

Remembrance Day is something more than just a memory of lives lost. It is an ongoing demonstration of the Australian Spirit and a constant reminder of the strength, determination and unrelenting tenacity of our Nation. It is a day that we remind each other on the history of our small Nation, once built on solidarity, community, bravery, openness, acceptance and underpinned with open arms to our foreign visitors and migrants.

Our rich multiculturalism enables us to see many angles of our history, and allows us to build a strong, inclusive and highly sought after future. We are privileged to live in this amazing country and on this day we take the time to acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands where we live, work and play, and we remember their sacrifices throughout the course of our history.

Remembrance Day is a day that we commemorate with Pride, Respect, Sadness and Honour. For all of those brave soldiers who lost their lives in the many theatres of war throughout our history, we Remember You.

They Shall Not Grow Old,

As We That Are Left Grow Old.

Age Shall Not Weary Them,

Nor The Years Condemn.

At The Going Down Of The Sun,

And In The Morning,

We Shall Remember Them.

Lest We Forget.

Lest We Forget.

If you have questions about Remembrance Day, Funerals, or at anything at all, why not get in touch with us on 1300 043 522 or email [email protected]

*Our Funeral Blog is a place for information and learning, so if there is something that you would like to know, why not shout out to us on social media so we can answer your questions in one of our future blogs!*

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